it is possible to be Better, Stronger, Kinder
All my Work integrates two goals:
Becoming the most enlivened, aware, authentic versions of ourselves possible
Creating a world where we end harm and oppression in all forms &
everyone can prosper & find safety, & thrive.

Which of My resources might interest you?
mindfulness-based, depth counseling
One to one therapy using mindfulness-based introspection to gain insight into the deeper roots of healing
‘kindness redefined’ blog
Blog chronicling my my exploration of extending respect & kindness always to end harm and inequity and disrespect in everyday interactions. I’m interested in internalized kindness & respect as a action to end systems of hate and exclusion
gentle guided meditation
Resources to support building or sustaining a mindful life. I have a mindfulness mini-course, tips for getting through hard days, and library of gentle, pre-recorded mindfulness practices that support living with awareness & compassion
beloved community
I offer mindfulness circles & affinity groups for folks interested in the shared path of discovery, mindful living, and kindness [suspended during the pandemic]

Counseling in a Warm, supportive Relationship
My approach is a collaboration with you that integrates mindful awareness, warm, intuitive clinical presence, and practical problem-solving approaches. And I blend in a little humor and imagination, some dreamwork for good measure.
I have a Ph.D. from Stanford University & advanced certifications from UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center and the Mindful Experiential Therapy Center (META) in Portland.
So what is mindfulness
Practices that “steady our minds to see clearly and hold our hearts open & kind”. We awaken and live our lives in true, compassionate ways.
Mindfulness lowers stress– truly
When you steady the mind, your body can relax. Freeing ourselves of judgment is true freedom.
It makes you a better person
It can benefit our relationships, as we become more patient and compassionate.
You’ll be better at what you do
Research finds that meditation boosts performance for athletes, police officers, prison guards, students, & lawyers.

I offer drop-in meditation on Zoom each week and offer a library of pre-recorded, gentle mediations used by hundreds of people.
Yet mindfulness is more than meditation. It’s a way of living. Bringing mindfulness alive in daily life is where the deep gains are made.
My mindfulness circles and affinity groups support daily living practices through structured, yet friendly gatherings as we step into conversations that matter. Through sharing, writing, & mindful communication we dive deeply into explorations of authenticity and mindful living.

We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than sharing our stories. I started my blog so I can share my own journey and stories.

My questions and discoveries with mindfulness & Kindness as a path for ending systemic oppression & everyday harm
my latest Post
My Blog:
‘kindness redefined’
MY journey as I explore
power, kindness, harm
& mindfulness
The Inner Oppressor Must Go
I live with a nagging, undermining, questioning, downright-insulting voice inside my head; the voice of an unreasonable, overly demanding oppressor. A voice that has been inside…
See what others are saying about jamie.

“There is no question that I received a benefit. I go back home more at ease than when I left. The sense of peace I feel/receive at the sessions is quite real and tangible and is something I appreciate very much.”

retreat participant
2018“I cannot describe how wonderful it is to have your lovely voice guide my mind and body into a relaxed state in the middle of the day. If there is any way to continue the Pod-Casts, I (and many others) would be grateful! .”

Drop-in Meditation
2020“I leave group feeling calm and really cared for. People listen. I listen. It’s sort of like magic how close we’ve all become. Thank you for the way you hold such kind space for all of us.”

Minfulness Group member
2020“You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi